Winter Spiral-2018

I thought that last year would be the end of the spiral; however, friends asked when I was hosting it.   Thus, I continued the “tradition.”  I love the spiral.  My kids can take it or leave-although, they always have fun.  We started celebrating with a winter spiral 4 years ago to celebrate the light in the world. Now, I feel that I am teaching how the kids not only how to find the light/good in situations/people, but also how to be the light and the good in situations/people.

As always, we started the night off with a walk down the drive lit up with luminaries.  We then lit the candles in the spiral, as I told the story of the Lantern Prince.  Next, we painted kindness rocks to place around the community.  We ended the night with some goodies to munch on and of course, a game of tag.

I hope your holiday season is starting off well.  Happy Winter Solstice!

6 thoughts on “Winter Spiral-2018

  1. Oh so beautiful, I love it! We are on year 7 of winter spirals and this was our 3rd year hosting it! I’m not sure how to post pics in comments, don’t know if you can do that here on WordPress but I’d love to post mine here for you if I could. Kindred spirits! Happy Solstice, Winter and Holidays to you! 🌟

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